Wow, it's almost the end of September. What a busy month. I've said goodbye to the heart monitor, goodbye to all medications, goodbye to a ten pound lifting limit, hello to driving my car again and prayerfully hello to some part time work back at the radio station. I've also been able to get quite a bit of work done at my house getting prepared for fall. With all your prayers and support, I feel God has me on a fast track to full recovery. Thank you all.
With Love,
Getting Back To It
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
More Progress
Here is the latest after another long (but better) month. Went to the doctor yesterday and finally got the staples removed from the second surgery. The second tumor I am told was a little more aggressive than the first, but was also benign, no cancer, praise the Lord!!! I still have to wear the heart monitor for a few more days, but I'm off any steroids (boy has that made a difference) and have begun the process of weening myself off the anti-seizure medicine, another PTL!!! I am really looking forward now to getting back into my house as well as moving onward in my life. Thank you for all of your prayers and support.
Love to all,
Love to all,
Monday, August 8, 2011
Home recovering...with a heart monitor....
I brought Aaron home from the hospital today, and he is doing very well. Can you believe he had 2 major brain surgeries, the 2nd one just 4 days ago (Thursday). I am reminded of the words to the song, He ain't heavy, he's my brother..." the road is long with many a winding turn......" My band of many years ago sang this song often. Yes, the road is winding and long... BUT you don't have to be on that road all by yourself. The Lord Jesus-Yeshua, King, Creator of heaven and earth is willing to walk right along side of you. He alone will give us strength for the journey. So as you pray for Aaron's continued recovery please also pray that his heart is OK. While in the hospital Aaron's heart would periodically beat very fast, known as tachycardia. He has to wear a heart monitor for 30 days. This device records his heart rate and is transferred to the Dr.. We will make an appointment with the cardiologist in 6 weeks to see if it has returned to normal. Of course as you can imagine he was a bit discouraged to have to be tethered to this device, but again it is part of the journey. The Dr wanted Aaron to start on a beta blocker but Dr. "FRED" (his father) convinced the Dr. to forgo the blocker for now and just wait for the initial results. Apparently my appeal made a lot of sense. Why use a blocker to "mask" the problem and then record the results. Scary isn't it!!! I have a feeling Dr. Jesus has something to do with this (isn't he amazing). WOW! I can't wait until the heavens introduce the ONLY Lord of Lords and King of Kings. It will be awesome. Thanks so much for your prayers. Please pray that his healing continues without any issues such as infection, seizures, pain, swelling. I will keep you posted.
Love to all,
Fred, Donna, Aaron and the entire family.
Love to all,
Fred, Donna, Aaron and the entire family.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thank you Jesus. Praise to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It's 2:56PM and we just spoke to Dr Adamo about 10 minutes ago. EVERYTHING we prayed for has been granted. They were able to remove the entire tumor. Remarkably this operation was shorter than the previous operation. This was not expected. The Dr. initially anticipated that this operation was going to be an hour to two hours longer. Also, the tumor was not vascular and preliminary reports are that it is benign. This is fantastic news! Donna and I will get to see our son in about an hour. The next 36 hours are critical as his brain was quite compressed from the tumor. Due to the compression from the tumor there is an increased chance for seizures. Please continue to pray for complete and total healing, no bleeding, no seizures, pray for Aaron's body, mind, and spirit. They do need to give him steroids to control swelling so we really need to pray they don't cause him to have any type of confusion or psych episodes.
Thanks to all our brothers and sisters for your prayer support and love during this time of trial. You may never know how you have upheld and continue to uphold our arms.
Love, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jordan, Jennifer and Nathan
Thanks to all our brothers and sisters for your prayer support and love during this time of trial. You may never know how you have upheld and continue to uphold our arms.
Love, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jordan, Jennifer and Nathan
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Believing and trusting for God's provision
Yesterday the family spent some time enjoying the day. We went to Saratoga, walked the streets and enjoyed the sun. The picture is at Mrs London's...mmmmmmmmmm great food and desert! Great friends too! Thanks Kim. Elizabeth is in today so we are all together. The hospital called and we need to have Aaron in pre-op at 7AM tomorrow morning (Thursday). As you can imagine we are very excited to get Aaron through this operation, but of course we are also very concerned as this is a very serious operation. We continue to trust that God will bring Aaron through triumphantly. It will be good to be together with all our kids as we pray, hug, support and ask God to do a great work in Aaron. Please pray that they are able to get the entire tumor, that the tumor is benign and there is no bleeding. Pray that the tumor is not vascular and there will be no trauma to Aaron's brain. Thank you so much for your love and support for Aaron and our entire family.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Trusting and waiting patiently.
It's been an extremely busy week and Aaron is doing very well. Aaron has been keeping himself quite busy around the house here and also doing some cleaning up at his home in Mechanicville. He has expressed that he is really looking forward to moving on with his life. Living in his home, finding a new job. Aaron is so grateful for those who have dropped a note in the mail, or stopped by to say hi. Some have even sent financial support. What a blessing! We are now focused on August 4th for Aaron's 2nd operation. On Monday, I will pick up Nathan at the Greyhound bus station in Albany and then shoot over to the Albany Airport to get Jennifer and Jordan who will be arriving from Rockford, IL. Elizabeth will be arriving on Wednesday via bus from NYC. Life is ironic. This is the very week that we were all going to get together at my Sister-in-Law's beach house in beautiful Bethany Beach for a week of sun and pleasure. Grandma Fisher (Donna's mom) was going to be there as well. Today is also our 34th wedding anniversary. It's a stark reminder that our "tomorrows" are in God's hands. Oh, how wonderful heaven will be when all sorrow, tears, fears and uncertainty will be no more. Dear friend, neighbor, family member, are you "assured" of that promise? If you were to die today what assurance would you have that the Great GOD of heaven would say, "enter into the joy of the Lord". If you have ANY answer other than, by the blood of Jesus and no more, than you may miss heaven. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and not of yourselves it is the gift of GOD, not of works less any man should boast". Ephesians 2:7-9.
Please continue to pray and ask our Great God to have this 2nd operation be a total success. To remove the tumor completely, that it would be benign and that there would be no brain involvement.
Jennifer has been faithfully sending us a daily devotion. I have included the one below. Enjoy,
Love, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan
Please continue to pray and ask our Great God to have this 2nd operation be a total success. To remove the tumor completely, that it would be benign and that there would be no brain involvement.
Jennifer has been faithfully sending us a daily devotion. I have included the one below. Enjoy,
Love, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan
(Jennifer's devotion)
It's raining again. We went from being dry, incredibly humid, grass browning, concerned farmers, a period of drought - to an overabundance of rain. This whole time I was rejoicing in the downpour, until I realized that it was too much. We've hit records in Chicago for July rainfall, the same month we were experiencing a drought. Flash flood warnings are prominent across the region. I am simply struck by it all. When we had sunshine, we needed rain. Now that we have rain, we need sunshine. We can pray for sunshine, but do we really know how much we need? We can pray for rain, but is it possible that we think we should receive so much that it actually does more harm than good? Perhaps that's how it is in our prayer life. We pray and pray and pray for something, but often times what we think we need really isn't what we need at all. Or we think we need an abundance of something, but it would actually become an overabundance... a drought instead of sunshine or a flood instead of rainfall. Really it comes down to this. God knows exactly how much rainfall is needed to feed the grass, but will keep the rivers within their trenches. He knows exactly how much sunshine is needed to nourish the gardens, but will keep their leaves from being scorched. So we can only trust that his perfect will knows that the next steps from here on out will be dusted with just enough sunshine, and nurtured with just enough rain. In other words, his way is perfect. Though he is gracious to receive our specific requests, may our hearts be willing to pray for what he desires. After all, he is God.
The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Isaiah 58:11
Friday, July 22, 2011
The calm
What a beautiful evening as I sit on the back deck. The birds have quieted somewhat for the evening. They will begin their praises once again tomorrow morning. Aaron is in the workshop, working on one of his models. By God's unfailing grace and glorious hand Aaron is doing very well. Our initial expectation was that Aaron would return to a pre-op state. That is, he would be somewhat distant and not able to carry out fluid conversations. Surprisingly Aaron has returned closer to normal. What a pleasure to sit, pray, chat and interact with our boy. It so happens that all of our children will be in for the 2nd operation. This wil be a precious time for our family to be together and seek the Lord on Aaron's behalf. Please continue to pray, the family cannot express enough our many thanks for your continued support. A couple of folks stopped over with well wishing and special treats. How refreshing!
All our love,
Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan
All our love,
Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Aaron's Home
Yesterday, after much red tape we were able to bring Aaron home. He is doing remarkably well. Between neurology, medicine and psychology it is widely believed that the steroids were the main culprit for his psych episode. Actually they were so concerned that they decided to stop the steroids cold turkey (after a brief weaning process). His next operation for the removal of the right sided tumor is set for August 4th. This tumor, which is approximately 4 x 2 inches is also systematic of personality, focus and memory issues. We need to watch closely for signs of swelling. The only drug used for swelling is steroids, so hopefully the swelling will be minimal, this way we can avoid the steroids. The grace, peace, strength and mercy of the Lord is powerful. It is surely true the light is brightest when the night is darkest. As was the case with Daniel, your prayers have unleashed the army of God. And though from this side of heaven it may appear that they are late (also remember Jesus and Lazarus), actually the Lord's soldiers are right on time. Although it may be frustrating for the Saints of God, how frustrating it must be for the powers of darkness knowing that the King of Kings is ALWAYS victorious. He is never frustrated. Thank you Jesus. What a day it will be when the trumpet sounds, and the bride is gathered with the bridegroom. Remember Church, it's Friday but Sunday's a comin! Please continue to pray that Aaron will remain stable and get plenty of rest for the next operation. Pray his mind does not race and his thoughts remain quiet and calm. Pray that the tumor is benign and not vascular and that Dr. Adamo is able to completely remove the tumor. Pray Aaron gains a full recovery and finally pray that our family hears the still small voice of our Great and glorious Saviour. Trials and testings have purpose, God please show us your purpose that you may be glorified and the Kingdom of God advanced.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Holding on
It is 8:19pm. Donna and I are visiting Aaron and of course life is always good when you are with your family. I couldn't possibly share the details of the past couple of days, but suffice it to say it's been draining, fearful and difficult. The confusion Aaron is experiencing may be from the steroids, the tumor that remains, or from the operation that he just went under. As you can imagine, the worst case scenario would be some type of damage from the operation. At the present he seems to be improving, which gives us much hope. When you are in these situations you wrestle, like Jacob, trying to find answers. They scheduled the 2nd operation for August 4th. Pray that Aaron's confusion is healed so he can come home and get ready for the next phase. Keep praying, our hope rests in the mercy of God.
Love, Fred, Donna and family
Love, Fred, Donna and family
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bump in the road
I am writing this from albany medical center hospital. It is now 12:03pm. Last night at 9:30PM Aaron had a full blown psychotic episode. He was quite aggressive, not at all Aaron's usual behavior. Typically he would get agitated, however with some persuading we could get him to relax and return to normal. This time was quite different. Seeing your child in this condition is the most difficult thing Donna and I have ever experienced with our children. We called 911 and requested an ambulance to Albany medical center. We are still in the emergency room, however this is what we do know. There is no sign of brain hemmorage, as a matter of fact, the swelling is decreased from the last scan. The doctors feel the issue is drug induced from the steroids. He will most likely be placed in the medical medicine unit. He needs to have a person present at all times until these episodes are quieted. Please pray for Strength and deliverance from weariness. Also pray that this issue is indeed drug induced and Aaron would be delivered from these episodes. Jennifer sent us a devotion which included Psalm 77
1 I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
at night I stretched out untiring hands,
and I would not be comforted.
3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned;
I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.[b]
4 You kept my eyes from closing;
I was too troubled to speak.
5 I thought about the former days,
the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night.
My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever?
Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
13 Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
16 The waters saw you, God,
the waters saw you and writhed;
the very depths were convulsed.
17 The clouds poured down water,
the heavens resounded with thunder;
your arrows flashed back and forth.
18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,
your lightning lit up the world;
the earth trembled and quaked.
19 Your path led through the sea,
your way through the mighty waters,
though your footprints were not seen.
20 You led your people like a flock
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
There are times in life when His miracles seem to escape the present, which leaves the Christian the only option but to reflect on His Mighty works of the past. When our fellow believers go through this valley (and there are plenty brethren that come to my mind) it is imperative that the brethern become as Aaron and Hur, otherwise the war can be lost.
Love, Fred, Donna and family
1 I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
at night I stretched out untiring hands,
and I would not be comforted.
3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned;
I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.[b]
4 You kept my eyes from closing;
I was too troubled to speak.
5 I thought about the former days,
the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night.
My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever?
Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
13 Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God?
14 You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples.
15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
16 The waters saw you, God,
the waters saw you and writhed;
the very depths were convulsed.
17 The clouds poured down water,
the heavens resounded with thunder;
your arrows flashed back and forth.
18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,
your lightning lit up the world;
the earth trembled and quaked.
19 Your path led through the sea,
your way through the mighty waters,
though your footprints were not seen.
20 You led your people like a flock
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
There are times in life when His miracles seem to escape the present, which leaves the Christian the only option but to reflect on His Mighty works of the past. When our fellow believers go through this valley (and there are plenty brethren that come to my mind) it is imperative that the brethern become as Aaron and Hur, otherwise the war can be lost.
Love, Fred, Donna and family
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dr's appointment this morning
Aaron had an early 9AM doctors appointment at Albany Med. After a light breakfast it was off to the appointment, then a trip to his new home in Mechanicville to cut some grass and take care of some items around the house. Aaron had a good appointment. His sutures (staples) were removed and the doctors disussed the next phase. Not sure yet, we should know more Friday, however it looks like surgery will take place anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks, which would bring us out 4 to 6 weeks from the initial surgery. Donna mentioned sooner would be better than later, if of course the doctors thought that would be best for Aaron. This operation is going to be quite a bit more serious than the last operation for 2 main reasons. The first, in that the tumor is much larger, and secondly, the tumor lies over the Sylvian Fissure, which supplies the blood to the brain. He will attempt to remove the entire tumor, however if he cannot he will remove what he feels he can do so safely. At this point we don't know what the treatment options would be if the tumor is not removed entirely. We will cross that bridge "IF" we come to it, but by the Grace of GOD prayerfully we will not need to address that option. Also due to the location of the tumor, there is a greater chance of a stroke. Lastly, Aaron is becoming increasingly disoriented. The doctors are cutting down on the steriods, so prayerfully this will help Aaron.
As you pray for Aaron, please keep these specific petitions before the throne. That the Tumor does not have any involvement with the blood vessels. That there is NO stroke. That the tumor is completely removed. That Aaron regains ALL his faculties.
From the entire Lucrezio Family, thank you so much for storming the gates of heaven on behalf of Aaron. Although these days are uncertain, intimidating and sometimes downright frightening, GOD is definitely in control and faithful. He promised He would not leave us comfortless, and He hasn't.
Love to all from, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan.
As you pray for Aaron, please keep these specific petitions before the throne. That the Tumor does not have any involvement with the blood vessels. That there is NO stroke. That the tumor is completely removed. That Aaron regains ALL his faculties.
From the entire Lucrezio Family, thank you so much for storming the gates of heaven on behalf of Aaron. Although these days are uncertain, intimidating and sometimes downright frightening, GOD is definitely in control and faithful. He promised He would not leave us comfortless, and He hasn't.
Love to all from, Fred, Donna, Elizabeth, Aaron, Jennifer, Jordan and Nathan.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Busy couple of days!
Aaron has had a pretty good couple of days. He went to church on Sunday and was able to enjoy the service. After church he and I went to the Hoosick valley aeromodelers flying field and enjoyed watching the model airplanes. I actually brought my Super Sportster and took it up for a flight. We capped off the night by taking a ride through the beautiful countryside of Washington County. Today, Aaron did some work around the house picking up some trimmed branches. He also spent some time putting together an old car model that we had found in the basement. His doctor's appointment is Wednesday at which time they will be taking out the staples and hopefully setting a date for the 2nd surgery. It is at times like these that you look directly into the face of God. Looking anywhere else can instantly fill the mind with fear and uncertainty. Again please be assured that your prayers are definitely supporting us during these trying times.
Love to all from the Lucrezio Family
Love to all from the Lucrezio Family
Saturday, July 9, 2011
In and out of reality
Last night was a long one. Aaron was quite restless and wanted to get into conversations about his past. At times he gets very confused. One minute he seems perfectly fine and at the blink of an eye he enters the twilight zone. It is becoming increasingly obvious that he cannot be left alone and will need all of our attention until the next operation in approximately 3 to 4 weeks. As you pray for Aaron please pray that there is no permanent brain damage. It's hard to tell how much of this behavior is drug related or tumor related. We are believing from our Great and Awesome God that once the tumors are removed and the drugs subsided, Aaron will be perfectly whole in body, mind, and spirit.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Just received the pathology report, great news! Benign - Grade 1...yeah, no cancer. Continue to pray that the other tumor is also benign and the Dr. will be able to completely remove it.
Praise the Lord!!
Having trouble gathering my thoughts. My mind wants to tell me this has happened before and I am working on separating what has and has not occurred already. The final shuttle launch happened earlier, so I suppose not everything is happening over again. Focus is tough, but with God's help and your prayers I will be able to master my mind and my thoughts. I am going to try daily to listen to the Bible on CD and fill my mind with the good news of God and not my selfish wants. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.
Love you all
Praise the Lord!!
Having trouble gathering my thoughts. My mind wants to tell me this has happened before and I am working on separating what has and has not occurred already. The final shuttle launch happened earlier, so I suppose not everything is happening over again. Focus is tough, but with God's help and your prayers I will be able to master my mind and my thoughts. I am going to try daily to listen to the Bible on CD and fill my mind with the good news of God and not my selfish wants. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.
Love you all
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Next App
Well. looks like my next check up (Dr app.) will be Wed, July 13th. Mom says they are pulling the staples out of my head. Then I believe that we will have to determine the date for the next operation. Feeling really good right now as I write. Please keep me in your thoughts and thank you for all your concerns. God's got something great for me and I'm starting to feel a glimpse of it as I recover. Thank you with love
Feeling Great
I had a great nights rest last night. Starting to feel more back to it. Don't know what I'll do today, but it's a good day. please continue to pray that i may continue to gain focus in my mind.
Monday, July 4, 2011
A note from Aaron
Thank you for all the prayers and support on my journey. You are much appreciated and loved. I ask all my prayer warriors to continue to intervene for me as I travel this road. In 1992 I thought the journey would end, but God has decided to take my hand and guide me thru. God is Good and God is Faithful. Mom, Dad and I will keep this post updated and let you know what petitions to bring before the throne of GOD. This is a battle that I expect to win. God and He alone will get the glory.
I am feeling quite well and have my first post op Dr's appointment next week. Pray as I apply for Disability. I do have health insurance, however it is the NY High Deductible option. I pray my expenses are manageable and I am believing that God is also in control of every area of my life. My parents are also looking into other options to help with my expenses. Please ask GOD to give us much wisdom on the journey.
Love, Aaron
I am feeling quite well and have my first post op Dr's appointment next week. Pray as I apply for Disability. I do have health insurance, however it is the NY High Deductible option. I pray my expenses are manageable and I am believing that God is also in control of every area of my life. My parents are also looking into other options to help with my expenses. Please ask GOD to give us much wisdom on the journey.
Love, Aaron
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